Friday, October 15, 2010

The time arises to restore honor to the house of man

Honor, what does it mean? Let me speak in riddle about a future yet to come, due to honor lost.

A revolution has begun amoungst the people. In my city the world has shaken and delivered the hastening to the end the earth itself so saw fit. I have spent all time hence testing authority and have found it wanting. For this betrayal your time is done. To easy will it be to despatch that which shows no skill.

Your saviour was the gladitorial field of politics. But rather than listen to the favor of the people, you curbed this honor to honor other interests. The corporation, the ministry.

If this were a battlefield, your blood would dishonor the field. But I shall see it spilt none the less. But not by my choice rather by your option. To what end you would create such an option is surely the control the 'beast' that is the mass. However, your flaw is all too obvious.

Theocles approaches on the back of mars. Called by the scrafice of your work on the altar of greed.

This time nears with swift abandon for the cause of humanity. I will stand and see you departed for the freedom of those whose mind and wallet you have brought to servitude less their permission.

I will stand and see you departed for the justice denied to those who you made struggle in your turned systems.

But I will not persecute the people. NO you know who you are, the people know. And so do I.

You know who you are. You still have the option to return the people towards collboration, liberity and democracy. Will you take it or ensure your seeds end?

Until then I remain - Critical terrorist.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cognative and behavioural madness at a time of humannities collaspe

In 2005 the clues were all there, the rewards for economic behaviour that would cause all humanity to bite off their nose to spite their face had been put in place (Boyce, Brown & Moore, 2010).

Cheap credit created by the the United States federal reserve bank lead to international banks being able to offer up immense amounts of fiat currency in every nation state at cheap prices. Thus, allowing lending to people, and the printing of money at immense rates (Meltzer 2002: Hetzel 2008: McCallum 2010).

Money as Debt... OR!.. Fiat Currency at the Heart of the Problem:

For more on fiat currency please watch 'money as debt 1' on Youtube. Effectively, banks have the licence to turn one dollar into nine more dollars out of thin air. Thus, they are legal counterfeiters (Block 2010: Drake 2009: Mitchell 2009)

This created the first of what will be several credit bubbles. In September of 2008 the markets collasped but this is ONLY THE START of the crisis of asset value and currency failure (Keen, 2009: Keen 2010).

How History will Show Our Depression Began... OR!.. Excuse Me, EXCUSE ME! Man with Big Theoretical Balls Coming Through!:

1.) Banks sold a lot of 'prime' loans to people with stable production jobs at low interest in the post 2001 interest rate lowering period which lead to a property buying spree, and a money printing spree.

2.) Wanting more profit more banks then went after ill educated people with deceptive offers creating 'sub prime' loans (Khabia, Phatak, Matharu, 2009).

3.) When the loans became risky and the houses appeared to not be as valuable as their inflated price suggested, banks jacked up interest rates to ensure they could cover the risk (Dam 2009).

4.) Banks took the unreliable 'sub-prime' morgtage contracts, bundled them up and sold them on the markets as a AAA+ rated security, helped out by the folks at Standard and Poors. (Demyanyk & Van Hemert 2009: Khabia, Phatak, Matharu, 2009: Partnoy 2009).

5.) When people found out that these assetts were not worth AAA+ the banks couldn't float the debt products or sell the morgatage contacts (Demyanyk & Van Hemert 2009: Khabia, Phatak, Matharu, 2009: Partnoy 2009).
6.) Banks around the world failed to meet their reserve ratio requirements, hit liquidity issues, ran into the limits of regulation and the capacity of people to pay (Mayer, Pence & Sherlund 2009). This 'limit' is actually set by the banks if you think about it so... Conspiricy? Maybe?

7.) Banks failed. (Posner 2009)

8.) Banks bailed out by the people through economic stimulus, troubled asset relief programmes, investment protection programmes but money never made it to back to the people in the way it was theorised to (Ghosh & Mohamed 2010 :Ferguson & Johnson, 2009). At this point it's fraud by any other name but thats just my opinion.

8.) Regular business couldn't borrow money and had lower customer participation around the world. (Acemoglu 2010). Corporation's continued to do well flush with capital they consolidated. Once again my opinion.

9.) Unemployment skyrocketed (Martin 2010 see also *.gov)

Oh an by the way the link between expanding or contracting money supply, investor demands, and shrinking employment is well known (Mitchell & Amp; Muysken 2010)

I could go on from here and state that banks are 'shuffling' the debt to governments, to investors (CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS) and to people by printing more money or shrinking the money supply. There is one thing for sure. We are not in a recovery yet.

In the coming months we will see the stimulus bubble (Green, 2010) collaspe, the credit default swaps fail, and the government will either respond with more stimulus, prolonging the crisis OR will let it be and the greatest depression will begin.

In the midst of all this, humanities propencity to find vicitm's, rescuer's, and persecutor's, will manifest itself in someway (Karpman 1968). Who is to blame for this crisis?, who created the 'perfect storm' conditions?, what assumptions were they working under? All this will be questioned, however the assumptions for the assumptions will not be analysed.

The bottom line is that individuals are still happy to pony up their lives work for debt slavery (Rowbotham 1998).

The assetts of the world still remain under the control of less that half of one percent of the worlds population. (Hart 2001: Pauly 1997: OECD 2010: Wallerstein 2009)

Banks are still using their position of power and use the mind control of economic behaviourisim to control the behaviours of people. And the people who own the big banks and the big companies still control these banks and have 'ownership' of property and capital.

Property and capital gained by having the legal right to print money out of thin air.

So as time moves on we will see this minority of wealthy people use every bit of power at their disposal to defend their assets against people trying to liberate these assets when the monetary system collaspes.

I can almost bet that one of these banking families will find themselves in a rather life threatening situation, because despite any preparedness they have become the persecutor. People are not stupid. They are waking up to the 'manufacture of consent' (Chomsky 1959). They are waking up to their 'debt slavery' (Marx 1853), and they are waking up to four hundred plus years economic fraud (Hurst 2001). And they are looking for someone to blame.

Sounds like a movie trailer, but it's not. It's your life.

Until then, I remain, a Critical Terrorist

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Humanities ground zero... OR!.. the three way SNAFU between oil, environment, and energy.

Yesterday a friend of mine comes to me and says "great news...were going to buy a house!". I said to him very calmly... Why would you do that? He said: "Well I have a family now so we are going to need somewhere for them to live and I am sick of paying rent". Using academic and anaecdotal evidence I unpacked his suburban dream in the traditional argument around peak everything (oil mostly), collasping environment, and depleteing energy supplies. To which he replied: "Well I am still going to need a home anyway". To be honest I think it went over his head, and that's the point.

I am glad that he displayed restraint. When I mention the empirical fact that the hopes and dreams of the ontologically challenged westerner are on the precipice of being flushed down the meterphorical toilet in a SNAFU that will parallel nothing like humanity has ever experienced, I find that most people are contently holding on to that dream of suburbia in their heads as a denial response. And they will defend it to the death without any evidence what-so-ever.

Peak Oil:

There is really no debate anymore that the hours of trapped sunlight provided by oil wil never be replaced by any other source of energy, or combinations of energy that currently exists on this planet (Pimentel & Patzek 2005). It is clearly evident that in this 21st century when the energy behind the means of industrial food production, food and personal transport, and home heating stops. My friends suburban dream home is going to be a defunked asset for many many reasons (Brown 1995: Leach 1975: Brown, Wolf & Bell 1989: Mitchell 2005: and on and on seriously I only have so many words).

Assett values aside consider this: At the start of the oil age in 1830 there were 1 billion people on this planet living with some sustainability within the boundries of specific land use areas. In 2008 there were 6.7 billion people over 90% whom require oil to bring them the basics of life: food, water, shealter, transport, warmth. (BĂ©riault 2005)

Now consider that the last major discovery of oil was in the 1930's  and that it peaked somewhere between 2005 to 2008 and you can kind of predict where humanities dependence on this scarce resource is going to lead us if WE do not respond (Adelman 1993: Heinberg 2007: Deffeyes & Silverman 2004). Forget politics, forget economics, forget the discovery of another energy source, and forget technology (which is NOT a subsitute for energy) (Magnus 1979: Openshaw 2000: Odum - Ambio: 1973: Watanabe 1992). The breakdown of oil will mean the end of the maintainance of the incredible population that exists on earth today and that is an empirical fact, no question, end of story.

Oh and by the way projections show peak oil having a direct starvation impact for my country in 2020.

At this point my friend would have been best buying horse, a gun, and a piece of land so he could learn how to grow food. Because like pimping, growing food ain't easy. But his suburban dream home ideology is preventing him from seeing his future as anything less than idilic. A suburban dream bathed in Oil.

Peak everything:

Ah yes, because you see if it was just oil alone we might be able to bury our heads in the sand for a bit longer, However sadly it's not just oil. (Campbel 2008: Hall, 2009: Heinberg 2007: Kunstler 2005: Manslow: 1989: McMahon, Finlayson, Haines & Srikanthan: 1992: Mohring 1970: Engle Mustafa & Rice, 1992). Peak fish, peak soil, peak coal, peak food production, peak virus, peak carbon, peak lithium, peak stress, peek land, peak population, peak species are either here, have already come, or are almost there.

So will my friend be able to leave his house, drive to his job, sell a product, go home, remain safe? Well...
If his car doesn't have gas... If his house isn't warm... If he has no food... If he has no goods... You maybe starting to see my point at this stage. If not, don't worry. Over the next few weeks I will be posting more.

The question that I am sure you will ask yourself is: If we have known this since the late 1950's what have we been doing about it? That dear readers is the problem, and the solution... Well why don't we add that to the list of things my friend should consider before he buys his home.

In the meantime... Critical Terrorist.

Resource Clusterfuck

Resource Clusterfuck
Your future car?