Friday, October 15, 2010

The time arises to restore honor to the house of man

Honor, what does it mean? Let me speak in riddle about a future yet to come, due to honor lost.

A revolution has begun amoungst the people. In my city the world has shaken and delivered the hastening to the end the earth itself so saw fit. I have spent all time hence testing authority and have found it wanting. For this betrayal your time is done. To easy will it be to despatch that which shows no skill.

Your saviour was the gladitorial field of politics. But rather than listen to the favor of the people, you curbed this honor to honor other interests. The corporation, the ministry.

If this were a battlefield, your blood would dishonor the field. But I shall see it spilt none the less. But not by my choice rather by your option. To what end you would create such an option is surely the control the 'beast' that is the mass. However, your flaw is all too obvious.

Theocles approaches on the back of mars. Called by the scrafice of your work on the altar of greed.

This time nears with swift abandon for the cause of humanity. I will stand and see you departed for the freedom of those whose mind and wallet you have brought to servitude less their permission.

I will stand and see you departed for the justice denied to those who you made struggle in your turned systems.

But I will not persecute the people. NO you know who you are, the people know. And so do I.

You know who you are. You still have the option to return the people towards collboration, liberity and democracy. Will you take it or ensure your seeds end?

Until then I remain - Critical terrorist.

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